TitanAg Herbicide secures APVMA Certification
After three years of residue and efficacy field trial studies, TITAN PROPYZAMIDE 500 WG SELECTIVE HERBICIDE is now one of the only fully compliant APVMA registered suppliers of Propyzamide in Australia.
As industry and Government Auditing and monitoring of on-farm chemical use increases, Australian farmers must be vigilant about their chemical use, especially when it comes to filling out their log books. APVMA certification means that users of TitanAg’s Propyzamide are now fully compliant with all Environment and industry regulations – in fact, Titan Ag now has the most extensive product label claims in the industry.
Titan Propyzamide Herbicide is now fully certified for controlling weeds in canola and grain legume crops including lupins, chickpeas, lentils, field peas, faba beans and navy beans. It It is a group D mode of action which allows for the control of herbicide resistant ryegrass populations. Titan Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide and 500 WG Herbicide is a selective pre emergent herbicide now registered for pasture, turf, Home Lawns and legumes Seed Crops and Pastures and lettuce crops.
Contact your local Elder’s agent today to purchase TitanAg’s Propyzamide 500 SC and 500 WDG. TitanAg has Elders agents located all over Australia – so our farmers know they can rely on us to deliver the chemical they need, on time, every time.
The Titanag Product Guide contains information to help you get the best results from your TitanAg application.
Download the product guide for easy reference.
To View AVPMA Certification guidelines, Click here: https://apvma.gov.au/node/11636